Here is a video of a special Glastonbury presentation I gave on Dion Fortune’s birthday (Dec 6th) in Abbey House. It covers the broad topic of the Great War and…
After the basic idea for the Glastonbury William Blake Festival had been anchored, and events over a three-day-period organised, a further inspiration came to me. I conceived…
The performance of the Grey Monk at the Garden of Love musical evening in the Glastonbury William Blake Festival involved layers of complexity that demonstrate the extent…
From the Glastonbury William Blake Festival, here is my book-launch presentation. It covers my usual wide range of diverse subject matter, including including 18th century occult underground, the…
Buy the book on Amazon UK My latest book is available from today on Amazon UK, the same date that the 3 day Glastonbury William Blake Festival begins. 211 pages….
It’s July 23rd, a date which, thanks to Robert Anton Wilson, I think of as Cosmic Trigger day. I like to make it a bit special and try and set…
Between Wednesday August 8th to Friday August 10th 2018. We are having a free-floating sixties-style Happening in Glastonbury in a few weeks time. On the afternoon of Wed August 8th,…
June 17th was the anniversary of the death of fabled rocket scientist occultist Jack Parsons. He is very much a current concern with the CBS TV series Strange Angel…
This is a presentation I gave to Glastonbury Positive Living Group on March 7th 2018. It features material from my Atargatis book and served as part of the extended…