Hello from Glastonbury, the mystical capital of Britain. I am the author of 11 books, lecturer, Tour Guide, and general disseminator of an exceptionally wide range of transformational ideas from both western and eastern paths. A number of my public presentations can be found on YouTube.
Passionate about History from childhood, over a period of decades, I have gained a Degree in the Study of Comparative Religion, worked as a Hypnotherapist, become a Reiki Master, Priest of the Fellowship of Isis, member of the Druid Clan of Dana, and Osho sannyasin. I have extensively studied and gained experience in the work of the two great twentieth century masters of western occultism, Aleister Crowley, and Dion Fortune.
I have unleashed the power within on an Anthony Robbins firewalking event, sat silently for many darshans with Mother Meera, and experienced outlandish paranormal events through Psychic Questing with noted historical mysteries researcher Andrew Collins. Along the way I have also been significantly influenced by Colin Wilson, John Cowper Powys, Adi Da Samraj, CG Jung, Jose Arguelles, Robert Anton Wilson, GI Gurdjieff, and PD Ouspensky.
Sample and buy Paul’s remarkable diverse eleven books on Amazon Kindle. Link to his Author’s Page for paperback editions in UK.
YouTube lectures, podcasts, and paid Zoom imagery-rich presentations on a wide range of material. History, occultism, psychic questing, synchromysticism, and more.

Avalon of the Heart Tours
Unique Avalon of the Heart walking tours taking in the Tor, Abbey, Chalice Well, and White Spring, infused with Paul’s passion and knowledge.
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