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Rune Soup March 1st Interview


I was fortunate to have another chat with Gordon White about my Atargatis book. I spoke to him last November about the extensive process involved in the creation of the cover. This time I talked about how much psycho-active voltage accompanied the completion of the book up to the very last moment as it went to the publishers.

Once it had arrived, I was then able to launch it at the Glastonbury Occult Conference. This proved to be a wildly expansive scenario.

Check out the power of a Glastonbury Occult Conference for yourself. 2019 is already being set up. I’m giving a presentation. Glastonbury Occult Conference 2019

We go on to discuss my methods of engaging with synchronicity and working with timing that has special personal associations.


  • Gaetane Bertol says:

    Hello Paul,
    Wonderful interview on Runesoup.

    I wanted to purchase your book on Amazon US but is shows up as unavailable. Any idea when they will be getting copies? If it will not be available in the near future I would like to get one from you if possible.

    Thank you!

    • Paul says:

      My first USA consignment sold out quickly. The second should be up on Amazon within a few days.

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