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Here is a Director’s Cut Amazon print on demand globally available new expanded edition of Avalonian Aeon. I was a week into formatting it and hadn’t thought of making any changes when a definite mania overtook me and I remembered how much had been edited out of the original when I realised what printing costs would be. Without that to concern me, I decided to reinstate a lot of it. Here is my White Goddess and the Lady of Shalott material.


Here is a corking episode concerning when Andy Collins’ Earthquest group had an outing to see Billy Graham at West Ham’s football ground, following on from a lecture I gave on Aleister Crowley and Robert Anton Wilson. This features some excellent tales concerning the hostility of local evangelical Christians to Andy’s Black Alchemist book. There’s a section on crop circles featuring some great Yuri Leitch artwork. There are plenty of other little additions throughout. The mania lasted a solid day and I was left with the startling realisation that my document was exactly 666 pages long! I checked it again in detail and found that the last page was blank and another blank page had somehow appeared in the middle. It was easy enough to find some illustrations to fill the gap. There was no way I was going to let that page-count go. This felt like an indication that it was a truer form of the book than the original.  The first edition was launched here in Glastonbury on 6/6 in 2010.

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